The Palace of Shattered Vessels II
Light Catchers
Curator's words
In 2019, FROOTS Gallery exhibited the extrordinary project of “The Palace of Shattered Vessels -- Chinese Porcelain and Contemporary Jewelry”. In 2020, “The Palace of Shattered Vessels” has yield new fruit- a new project, which is the continuation of the first one.
This new project reflects the paramount significance that FROOTS attaches to cultural exchange. We encourage international artists to research, debate and recreate from diverse angles the theme “East-West Exchange.”
As the leading Chinese gallery of art jewelry, FROOTS aims to introduce this art form to a large audience. Hence, we paid special attention to pricing. Reaching out to the public at large, our thirty seven selected artists created exquisite yet affordable pieces of art. These jewels are “Light Catchers”, which will help people search for light and build a better world.
2019年,FROOTS Gallery 推出了 “碎器之宫:老瓷片与当代首饰” 项目。2020年,项目成功进行了第二期 “碎器之宫:追光者” 。
FROOTS Gallery认为国际文化交流对推动艺术发展有着深远影响。此次“碎器之宫”第二期项目的主题,从第一期的老瓷片元素出发而扩展到普遍中国文化元素,中国首饰艺术家也可在西方文化中寻找创作源泉。参与项目的13国37位艺术家以多样视角对 "中西文化对话 "这一主题进行研究、辩论与再创作。
作为国内艺术首饰领域的领军画廊,FROOTS Gallery旨在扩大这一艺术形式在公众间的传播。因此,“碎器之宫:追光者”用“爱”定价。只有当更多人有能力拥有第一件艺术首饰,它才能真正与生活发生对话。有爱的作品,创作它的艺术家是“追光者”,佩戴它的人是“追光者”,祈望我们共同追寻光明,建造一个更美好的世界。
Deganit Shocken
Color, one of the most fundamental properties of things, is nothing more than a micro vibration of light in terms of the state of matter. All the colors in the world can be produced by superimposing or subtracting the three primary colors. Following the three primary colors, which are the basic elements of the visible world, this series of works pursues light.
Ela Bauer
For millennia was Jade praised for its hardness, durability, musical qualities, and beauty. In particular, its subtle, translucent colours and protective qualities caused it to become associated with Chinese concepts of the soul and immortality. With gold, it was considered to be a symbol of heaven.