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Shirly Bar-Amotz

About Artist

Bar-Amotz was born in 1974 on Kibbutz Ma'abarot, where she still lives and where her studio is located, on the first floor of the building which formerly housed the first children's house on the kibbutz: a Bauhaus structure from the 1930s which looks out on the surrounding fields. Since she finished her degree at Bezalel, Bar-Amotz has met with success and international recognition. Her work is displayed in museums and galleries in Israel and abroad, and last month she was awarded the prestigious 2012 Andy Prize for Decorative Art, established by Charles Bronfman and the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. The award carries a NIS 50,000 prize, an exhibit at the museum next year and the purchase of two works for the permanent collections at the Tel Aviv Museum and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

首饰艺术家,1974年生于以色列,是东欧犹太复国主义先驱的孙女。她在耶路撒冷的比撒列艺术与设计学院获得学士和硕士学位,目前在那里任教。2012年获得以色列工艺界最高奖项“安迪奖(The Andy Prize for Contemporary Crafts)”。

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