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Heng Lee

In the creation of the "Pixeled Blue and White" series, Heng LEE digitally restores the patterns of the old tiles to retrieve, restore and reorganize the patterns. Through the collision of embroidery and the materials of the tiles, the old tiles are given a new look and life.


About Artist

Heng Lee, graduated from the Graduate Institute of Applied Arts at TNNUA in 2011. In 2012, he established the creative brand of contemporary jewellery – Heng Lee Jewelry, and achieved great success in international exhibitions and competitions such as winner of the New Traditional Jewellery Design Contest in Netherlands, and the BKV- Prize 2013 for Young Applied Arts in Bavaria, Germany, as well as being selected for the Fifth International Biennial of Enamel Art in Lithuania. In 2015, he became part of the initiative to retain local talents by Kaohsiung Bureau of Cultural Affairs, and established the first contemporary jewellery art space in Kaohsiung “PIN Studio”. In the past three years, he has invited many jewellery artists from home and abroad to Kaohsiung for exhibitions and lectures, and curated international jewellery exhibition, facilitating Taiwan’s communication with the world.

毕业于国立台南艺术大学应用艺术研究所,是金工与首饰创作组硕士研究生。他的设计作品特点鲜明,工艺精湛,受邀在立陶宛,德国,美国,荷兰等地区开设首饰作品个人展,刷新了首饰作品展览参观人数记录。曾获意大利“Preziosa Young 2017”青年首饰设计竞赛特别推荐奖、克罗埃西亚“国际艺术工艺设计奖”优异奖、西班牙“国际当代首饰年刊”年度首意大利饰奖等国际奖项。曾于杭州、上海、首尔、台中、威斯康辛等地参展,作品“金标绣花像素系列别针”收藏于意大利Museo degli Argenti博物馆。

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