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Ela Bauer

In making this work I was inspired by the jade burial suits of the members of the royal Han dynasty. The family members were completely covered with thin rectangular pieces of jade that were sewn in a golden thread. One believed that the jade suit would preserve the body and the souls within it.

For millennia was Jade praised for its hardness, durability, musical qualities, and beauty. In particular, its subtle, translucent colours and protective qualities caused it to become associated with Chinese concepts of the soul and immortality. With gold, it was considered to be a symbol of heaven.

Working with resins- a material I often use- I tried to reach as many jade - green shades and tones as possible, trying to reach the delicacy and translucency of the Jade.

In connecting the parts I used 14kt golden thread, referring to the symbolic meaning of the materials and in order to achieve the beautiful colour combination of gold and jade-greens, just as is the case on the burial suits.

我的作品灵感来自汉代墓葬中“金缕玉衣”此类型衣饰主要组成为玉片,并视死者阶级分等级以金丝、银丝或铜线串起玉片与之编成。 汉朝宫室相信玉具有防腐功能,可以保存死者的容貌和灵魂。



About Artist

Ela Bauer, born in Poland in 1960, grew up in Israel. After completing her studies at the Hebrew University (comparative literature and indology), Jerusalem from 1982-1989, she went to study jewelry at Technical School in Jerusalem from 1988-1989 and at Rietveld Academie in the Netherlands from 1990-1995. In 2005, She took part in the Masterclass in the European Ceramic Center with Daniel Kruger, Den Bosch. Ela Bauer attended exhibitions worldwide, including Gallery Ra. Amsterdam, NL., Gallery Mari Funaki, Melbourne, Australia, The Eretz Israel Museum, TelAviv, Israel, The Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea, Manchester Craft & Design Center, Manchester, UK. Her work is included in museums collections: Museum of Art and Design, NY, USA, Grassi Museum, Leipzig, Germany, Pinakothek der Modern, Munich, Germany, Textile Museum, Tilburg, NL..

1960年出生于波兰,后移民以色列。就读于以色列希伯来大学比较文学系。毕业后,兴趣转向首饰设计,进入荷兰阿姆斯特丹,雷特维特艺术学院首饰系学习。并于2005年参加最具盛名的欧洲陶瓷中心的硕士班。艾拉·保尔在世界各地举办个展和参加群展,如荷兰阿姆斯特丹“RA”首饰艺廊,澳大利亚墨尔本“Mari Funaki”画廊,以色列特拉维夫国家博物馆,韩国首尔“Sungkok”美术馆,英国曼彻斯特手工艺与设计中心等等。她的作品被多家国际著名博物馆典藏,包括纽约艺术和设计美术馆;德国玻璃艺术馆;德国当代设计美术馆;荷兰纺织博物馆等。2008年,她获得了荷兰Prins Bernhardt 基金会奖。

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