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Trinidad Contreras

My idea is to combine the pieces of blue and white porcelain with my current work, applying bright colors and very geometric shapes that will contrast with the broken pieces.


About Artist

Trinidad Contreras, Born in Sevilla, Spain in 1977. He attended the advanced training program in artistic jewelry at Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain from 2007-2010. His works has been displayed in many countries, including the USA, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Holand, Germany, Korean, and France.

She is attracted to what is known, simple, pleasant, round, and make reflection upon what can exist within a sensual and harmonious world. A world where time passed by slowly, but in a vital and ephemeral way, in a constant circular motion of “creation-destruction”. the complexity of the artisan technique, the treatment of the different materials and the excellence in the piece’s interrelationship and symbology together form the characters of her creation.

1977年生于西班牙塞维利亚。2007-2010年期间在西班牙巴塞罗那的艺术学校(Escola Massana)学习艺术首饰。他的作品在世界各地广泛展出,包括美国、西班牙、比利时、葡萄牙、荷兰、德国、韩国、法国等。从艺术旨趣上来说,他被那些已知的、简单的、愉悦的、圆润的事物所吸引,并思考着什么才能存在于一个感性的、和谐的世界中。在这个世界里,时间过得很慢,但却以一种重要而短暂的方式,以一种不断循环的“创造-运动”的方式在流逝。制作工艺的复杂性、对多元材料的涉及、显见的交互性与象征性构成了她作品的特征。

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