Taidi Wang
About Artist
Teddy Wang, MA, is a teacher in the College of Fashion, at the Zhejiang University of Science and Technology who graduated from China Academy of Art with a bachelor’s degree in Arts and Crafts. She later gained her master’s degree in Jewellery, Silversmithing and Related Products at Birmingham city University with a specialisation in fashion jewllery design. Teddy was awarded the HRD international diamond grading division. She is a Member of Council in the Zhejiang Jewellery and Jade Industry Association and the Secretary of Design and Craft committee. She was also invited as an external teacher for the China Academy of Art. Her works mainly focus on contemporary jewellery with some extent of combination of glass, ceramic, calligraphy, and traditional Chinese painting. Her works have been exhibited at numerous international and domestic exhibitions such as one of the world’s most prestigious jewellery exhibitions, Schmuck catwalk in Germany, 2014; “Suspended in Green” contemporary jewellery exhibition; the SIERAAD international exhibition in Netherland and the International Jewellery exhibition in Beijing; “21 Gram” contemporary international jewellery and metal art triennial and The Palace of Shattered Vessels etc.
王泰迪,浙江理工大学服装学院教师,研究生硕士,本科毕业于中国美术学院,2013年研究生毕业于英国伯明翰珠宝学院珠宝首饰、银器及相关产品专业,研究方向流行首饰。英国珠宝协会会员、HRD国际钻石分级师、浙江省珠宝玉石首饰行业协会理事,浙江省珠宝玉石首饰行业设计与工艺委员会秘书,曾任中国美术学院特种工艺系外聘教师。作品以当代首饰为主,同时对玻璃、陶瓷、书法、中国画也有涉及。作品曾多次入选国际国内展览,其中曾入选全球最高级首饰展览2014德国Schmuck当代首饰艺术展走秀展。入选“Suspended in Green”当代首饰展览,参加奥地利维也纳、德国慕尼黑、英国伦敦巡展,受邀参加荷兰SIERAAD国际展、北京国际首饰展等。