Mandala and Wild Birds: Art Jewelry Twin Exhibition
Duration:2017.12.13 - 2018.2.28
Venue:FROOTS Shanghai
Artists:Amitai Kav, Jonathan Kav
Preface of “Wild Birds”Series by Amitai Kav
A Second Bird
Natan Zach (1930 - )
Translated in English by Yair Mazor.
I saw a bird of great beauty
The bird saw me
Such a bird of great beauty, I shall not see
Until the day of my death
I was touched by a thrill of sun
I said words of peace
Words which I said last night
I shall not say today anymore
Jewelry found in Mandalas
After attending a course in drawing Mandalas and fascinated by the symmetry and the geometrical beauty of them, I was interested in finding out the possibilities of translating my drawings into jewels. I have created a series of work that combines the structure Mandala, the stone material and my drawings. This series is composed of six gold pins.